Connecting with God:
Join us for Sunday worship

In 1852 certain members of the the Niskayuna Reformed Church petitioned the Classis of Schenectady to form their own congregation. In 1854 the newly-formed congregation dedicated its own church in the hamlet of Lisha’s Kill (“kill” being Dutch for “creek”), located in the town of Colonie, Albany County, New York.
Community with Others:

Special Fellowship Events: Occasionally during the year we have special brunches, dinners and outings, such as the Congregational Christmas Dinner, Mother/Daughter Banquet, caroling to shut-ins, and other events planned by the fellowship committee.
Creative Ministries: Once a month during January-April, and September–November, a group gathers to share a time of scrap-booking, knitting, sewing, and other forms of crafting.
Lisha's Kill Seniors: About 25 attendees, typically from the neighborhood, not necessarily members of LKRC, meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 for games, trips, brunch/lunch and friendship. Sometimes they invite a speaker. “Come see what we’re all about!”